Millions of dead fish in Australia’s second-longest river due to a heatwave

Millions of dead fish were noticed across Australia’s second-longest river due to a drop in oxygen levels in the water (hypoxia), caused by a heat wave and flooding.  In more details, the low oxygen levels in the water caused hypoxia in fishes which is a condition that a body or a part of the body can not receive oxygen supply at the tissue level. The phenomenon was noticed in the river at the Menindee Weir pool near Broken Hill.

March is still very warm in Australia even if the season of summer has ended, with temperatures reaching or exceeding 40-44°C. The heatwave that dominates Australia brought temperatures 8-10°C above normal and will continue to influence many parts of Australia during the next few days with an eastern direction. The phenomenon was noticed after the extreme temperature rise that was recorded on 18-19/03 where maximum temperatures reached 42°C in this area.

The same event was also observed during February, while a similar event was reported in the region in 2019. Heatwaves in Australia have become more common during the last few years as a result of climate change.

© 3B Meteo

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